Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I've done my three crosswords for the day. I never, ever get sick of them. Yesterday there was a clue, "alternative rock band" and as I filled in other letters wondering what on earth band it could be, I realized with ecstatic delight (redundant? get off my case). that the answer was Ween! I have listened to more Ween this semester than any human should. They are too, too good. So I am saving that crossword.
I have started a successful gym routine with my buddy Gene. We do 20-30 minutes on the bikes and then use the weight machines. We've gone 4 times in the past week and a half- about every other day. It feels great.
Tried to grow mustache. Got stuck in a permanent (3-week-long) "ugly stage".
Shaved it and then got a haircut, to boot. Feeling pretty slick.
Must go to Math class now, though I have more to say. Must sumarize. Love to all. Car working and day a little warmer than past few. Life is picture of ease and fulfillment.
A thought, and maybe a song.
I should be other places, doing other things.
I shouldn't worry so much,
(but even thieves have kings).
I could have let my mind fly off
(like a helium-filled baloon)
And we could all give up and when asked to participate,
we could all refuse.
But the widow in the shabby shop who cuts my hair
still wears her wedding ring.
I shouldn't want to live without faith
(but even thieves have kings).
Yes even killers have lovers,
and they buy them fancy things.
Even children have wicked ways,
and it's a strange sight to see.
Even Caesar finally bowed to death
and even Nietzsche liked to sing.
Even the wise have teachers
and even thieves have kings.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Don't jump, George Bailey.

They are putting nets on the side of the Golden Gate bridge to stop the some 20-odd suicides that occur there every year.
I like to watch Fox News' morning show with Bill and Megan. It makes me feel like my friends have taken over a t.v. channel and are pretending to be newscasters.
Nearly went to the new Bond film last night. Stayed in and had Gene over to watch OnDemand instead. Passed out before I could even slur the words "how about a game of Scrabble?". Honestly, I've got to stop falling asleep and leaving my friends to awkwardly wonder if they should wake me up or just....go...
I am (trying to) growing a mustache. Every time I mention this, Jessie makes a certain face that is a blend of a smirk, a look of horror, and the face she makes when wondering why she ever talked to that new kid from
So I was trying to sign in here and wasn't sure which e-mail address they should send my password too (that's right I forgot it). I typed in my Hotmail address, which I've had for years, and they e-mailed me a link old blog! That's right, I have an old blog. No, dear reader, i was no more aware of this than you, having (mercifully) expunged all memory of this years ago.
Strange, that it is still there in all of it's odd 16-year old glory. People are always telling me how things stay on the internet forever and that I should be careful what I put out there because it's all public forever. Well it's true.
If I ever ran for president; I would no doubt be poised for victory, enjoying a cracking good lead in the polls, one foot in the oval office, and just weeks to go until election day and then BAM! Someone would dig up this God-forsaken thing and it would be curtains for candidate Stewart. I mean, would you vote for someone who's blog had a background that managed to incorporate both Rachel Leigh Cook and the business cards from American Psycho? and that was just the photos. Here was my first ever post in full glory.
Apparently, I understood then that brevity is the essence of good manners...
Introduction (yes, I need one...)
Well, I figure it's about time for me to start injecting my thoughts into the veins of the unsuspecting world.
Or perhaps this is PoetSpeak for I-will-explode-if-some-of-these-ideas-remain-in-MY-brain-alone.
I guess noone will know which it is untill I am famous; then and then alone can my rambling, mistakes, mental problems, and whatnot be taken as early signs of genius.
For now they just make most people "Angry".
I no more know why I put quotations around "angry" then I know why I had the text in a tasteful red. Nor does my aging mind recall what exactly I thought "PoetSpeak" was. After viewing this artifact, I did realize that a few things remain the same.
To wit:
1) I overused the word "whatnot" then, as I still do.
2) I wrote in another post then that "I am entertained by reading these and seeing how they don't sound like me." Well said, 16-year old Chris, well said.
3) I had comments there. Actually there were a few robo-comments on there, trying to sell me insurance, etc. Looks like Blogspot has cleaned that part up.
So some things will never change. A final quote from the ancient blog I uncovered: "When a free man walks the earth, even the pain don't hurt."